Cultivation system


MGS(Mobile Gully System)
The best way to grow

MGS (Moving Growing System) is an automated system that moves from the initial stage of crop cultivation to the harvesting stage. It provides the optimal gutter distance according to the size of the crop as it grows. MGS can create higher added value in terms of increased space efficiency and reduced labor costs.

Hanging Gutter

The truss-mounted gutter system is a system that secures smooth air induction to allow crops to grow vigorously.

Bottom Watering

The sub-surface irrigation system is a system in which crops are grown on a HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene) base plate with UV blocking function on top of an aluminum container.

DFT(Deep Flow Technique)

DFT (Deep Flow Technique) is a system that can maximize the growth of crops by immersing the roots of crops in nutrient solution. It can achieve sustainable agriculture by using the reuse of drainage and high energy efficiency.

NFT(Nutrient Film Technique)

The nutrient solution is supplied to the NFT recycling system and the nutrient solution is provided to the crops at each growth stage through a valve group. After that, the nutrient solution can be reused through an ultrasonic system and a filtration process.

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